Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Republicans are not trustworthy enough to negotiate with anymore.

NJ Gov. Chris Christie called a 'Bully' and a 'Punk' by Senate President Sweeney for Line Item Veto | Crooks and Liars

The one lesson that has to be taken away from the actions of New Jersey Governor Chris "Prick" Christie is that all Republicans are too untrustworthy to negotiate with about anything.

President Obama and Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid are currently negotiating with House Speaker John Boner over the debt limit. The Republicans think they have the upper hand in keeping tax cuts for millionaires. Obama and Reid should look to New Jersey. Governor Prick Christie signed a deal with Senate President Steve Sweeney. A very wrong deal, but a deal all the same. Sweeney got concessions from the Prick and the Prick got to gut public union rights. Then as soon as the Prick got what he wanted from the Democrats, he then sandbagged the Democrats and vetoed all the provisions in their signed deal.

This is a very valuable lesson for every person in America. There is not a single Republican in this country who can be trusted. All the Republicans ran for office in 2010 promising to fight for jobs. They lied to and sandbagged the entire nation by only fighting to continue tax breaks for themselves and their posterity and to hell with the rest of America. They are Libertarians, which only means Self-Interest above Country and Humanity.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Republicans fighting for banks to profit from laundering Mexican drug money

"WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama's financial overhaul law is nearly a year old. For congressional Republicans, the fight to weaken it is just starting.
Wary of trying to repeal the entire statute and being portrayed as Wall Street's protectors – banks rank among the country's least popular institutions – GOP lawmakers are trying to nibble away at the behemoth measure. It's a crusade they're waging despite lacking the White House and Senate control they need to prevail."

It is clear that the congressional GOP members are trying to make it easier for banks to make profits without regulations that limit their ability to launder drug money for the Mexican and Columbian drug cartels. At the same time, these GOP members are against any laws designed to decriminalize or legalize recreational drugs so that their financial benefactors (the banks) can continue to profit from laundering drug money. At the same time, the gun lobby is making a profit from all the guns we sell south of the border that is resulting in killing tens of thousands in our drug war.

While the middle class is paying for the drug war with the cartels and the bankers and Wall Streeters are making billions laundering drug money and the gun makers are making millions selling guns, the Middle Class is required to continue paying billions every year to incarcerate tens of thousands of Blacks and Latinos for drug possession of anywhere from a gram to kilos while the real criminals in the banks and on Wall Street go stock free. Protected by their friends, those family value loving good Evangelicals in the Tea Bagger GOP.

Don't you just love America, the Christian Nation.